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_Neutral Folder

The _Neutral Folder is the highest level to share files globally to all Doka Tekla Users.

It contains all common environement files, DokaCADforTekla developments, ...

_Neutral Overview Tree

└── Program/
└── _Neutral/
├── _General/
│ ├── Catalogs/
│ ├── Component/
│ │ ├── Bitmaps/
│ │ ├── Library/
│ │ ├── profil/
│ │ ├── SystemSets/
│ │ │ └── <Formwork System>/
│ │ │ ├── Components/
│ │ │ └── Formwork tools/
│ │ └── Visualization/
│ │ ├── Mapping/
│ │ ├── materials/
│ │ ├── Output/
│ │ ├── Skyboxes
│ │ └── Textures/
│ ├── Drawing/
│ │ ├── Attributes/
│ │ └── Symbols/
│ ├── Modeling/
│ │ └── Attributes/
│ ├── Profil/
│ │ └── ParametricProfiles/
│ ├── ProjectOrganizerData/
│ │ ├── DefaultCatagoryTrees/
│ │ ├── ExcelTemplates/
│ │ └── PropertyTemplates/
│ ├── System/
│ │ ├── AdditionalIPSets/
│ │ ├── CustomInquiry/
│ │ ├── Environment/
│ │ ├── inp/
│ │ ├── macros/
│ │ │ ├── drawings/
│ │ │ └── modeling/
│ │ ├── messages/
│ │ ├── PropertyRepository/
│ │ │ └── Templates/
│ │ └── UploadToConnect/
│ └── Template/
│ ├── Commands/
│ └── Ribbons/
│ └── CustomTabs/
│ ├── Drawings/
│ ├── Icons/
│ └── Modeling/
├── _Temp/
│ └── Grassopper/
└── Features/

_General Folder in Detail

DFDS - Copy Jobs

Since there are some folders what are not read out by Tekla, DFDS takes over and puts certain folders on the right place on the C: Drive. Search for "DFDS Copy Job" to find the exact folder and copy locations.

Catalogs Folder

└── Catalogs/
├── DocumentManager.xml // Stores the document manager window layout
├── DocumentManagerDataGridSettings.xml // Stores the document manager user interface layout
├── DocumentManagerUDAs_Doka.txt // Define UDAs for searching and display in Document Manager
├── import_macro_data_types.dat // Types and Attributes for macro usage
├── rebar_catalog.settings // empty
├── rebar_database_nomial.inp // Nominal Diameter Database
├── RebarShapeCatalog.rscx
├── RebarShapeRules.xml // Rebar bending shape rules
├── standard.RebarShapeCatalog.dat //
└── <component_catalog> // Application & Components Catalog/
├── // Catalog for DokaComponents -> NEEDS regularly Updated
└── // Catalog for Tekla Placing Tools

Document Manager

Application & Components Catalog

Component Folder

└── Component/
├── Bitmaps/
│ └── <Article_number>.bmp // Doka thumbnails 96x96px
├── Library/
│ └── <Article_number>.uel // Doka Components Library with .uel Files
├── profil // Could be removed if fully switched to native components
│ ├── ShapeGeometries /
│ │ └── <UUID>.tez // Geometry File
│ └── Shapes/
│ └── <UUID>.xml // Information File for Geometries
├── SystemSets/
│ └── <Formwork System>/
│ ├── Components/
│ │ └── <Article_number>.uel // Doka Components
│ └── Formwork tools/
│ ├── <config>.csv
│ └── <assembly>.xml
└── Visualization /
├── Mapping // DFDS Copy Job to /AppData/Local/Trimble/Tekla Structures/2022.0/TrimbleConnectVisualizer/
│ └── VisualizerMaterials.tcv11 // Config for Visualizer Materials, maps Tekla Material to Texture
├── materials // DFDS Copy Job to /AppData/Local/TrimbleConnectVisualizer/CustomMaterials/
│ └── <Doka_materials>.xml // Config for Materials, Texture Maps, Color, Glosiness, Metallic,
├── Skyboxes // DFDS Copy Job to <user>/Pictures/TrimbleConnectVisualizer/Skyboxes/
│ └── <skyboxes>.png // Skyboxes
└── Textures // copied via DFDS to /AppData/Local/TrimbleConnectVisualizer/CustomMaterials/
├── <Doka_materials>_BaseColor.png
├── <Doka_materials>_Normal.png
└── <Doka_materials>_Roughness.png

Bitmaps Folder

  • 96x96px image size
  • 56x22 Doka Banner in Left Top Corner

In Future should be rendered directly from Meridian

For more information refer to:

Shapes "profiles"

Could be removed if fully switched to native components!

How its used?

Typically when you export shapes from Tekla you get a <shape_>.tsc file.

Why it is stored in <shape>.tez & <shape>.xml?

Because <shape_>.tsc need to always be convereted. .tez & .xml are just the converted shapes. They can be read in without any further conversion.

How to get <shape>.tez & <shape>.xml?

There is no automatic way to get the shapes converted. You need to:

  • manually open a model
  • Import the shapes via the Shape Catalog
  • Go to your model folder
  • You find converted files in the folders "Shapes" & "Shape Geometries"

.tez & .xml are stored with UUID like "00df5a19-37b2-4f84-8615-8685e5cdf242" as a File name.

Not sure if with every conversion a new UUID name gets created, or a non modified shape produces always the same UUID This is important to know, otherwise you and up with lots of duplicates!

To avoid this, you woul have to always load ALL shapes into 1 model. Afterwards replace everything in the "profiles" with newly created.

Visualization Folder

Everything in this folder get copied to different locations, check the file tree for additional information


When creating a skybox, you can create to whatever resolution you like but it must be at a ratio of 2:1. e.g. You can use a photoediting program to create a picture that is 2000 pixels wide by 1000 pixels high and save that as a .png file to this location.

Drawing Folder

└── Drawing/
├── Attributes/
│ └── <drawing attributes files> // section, view,.. configurations
├── Symbols
│ ├── Doka_logo.png
│ ├── yellow_background.png // needed for drawing, use instead of yellow hatch -> get printed black
│ └── ... // other symbols like Concremote
└── plotdev.bin // XS_Driver -> print device defintions

Drawing Symbols

Defines Global Location for Drawing Images used in Drawing Templates. For more details regarding template editor refer to tpled.ini below in this document.

Modeling Folder

└── Modeling/
└── Attributes/
├── <Doka material>.PObjectGrp // Tekla Object Groups by material
├── Doka_Visual_Colors.rep // File maps Doka materials with RGB colors
├── <Pours> // 15x Filter files per pour
├── standard.<type>.SS.xml // Report Atrributes
├── standard.IFCExportPlugin.MainDialog.xml // Settings for Standard IFC export, includes Doka Export property set ,..
├── standard.pour // Settings for Pours
├── standard.prf // Settings for Project Attributes
├── standard.punit // Settings for Pour Unit
├── standard.SObjGrp // View reprensentation
└── xs_user.default // Stores user file menu switches

Differnt standard settings (Pours, IFC Export, ...) are defined, those will be loaded with every new project!


Defines Automatic rotation center, Ortho mode, ...

Profil Folder

└── Profil /
├── ParametricProfiles/
│ └── <profile>.clb
├── screwdb.db // Bolt Catalog
├── assdb.db // Assembly Bolt Catalog
├── matdb.bin // Material Catalog, includes US, Default Environment + Doka materials, Import Export via .lis files
├── Doka_materials.lis // Import / Export Files for materials
├── material_properties.ail // Translation file for material propeties
├── profdb.bin // Profile Catalog, includes US, Default Environment
├── profile_properties.ail // empty
├── profitab.inp // Defines names for parametric profiles
└── rebar_database.inp // Rebar Actual Diameter Database

For further information refer to Tekla: Catalog files

matdb.bin & Doka_materials.lis

matdb.bin defines the actual material catalog. Its only possible to have read in one matdb.bin file It contains all materials from USA & Default Tekla Environment + Doka Standard Materials. They got combined with material.lis import & exports in the material catalog.

material.lis is used when exporting and importing from or to the material catalog.


profdb.bin defines the actual profile catalog. Its only possible to have read in one profdb.bin file It contains all materials from USA & Default Tekla Environment. They got combined with import & exports (profiles.clb, profiles.lis, rules.lis) in the profile catalog.

ProjectOrganizer Data Folder

└── ProjectOrganizerData/
├── DefaultCategoryTrees/
│ └── Doka - Parts by <Type>.category // Doka Organizer Categories by Phase or Pour Unit
├── ExcelTemplates/
│ └── <template>.xlt // Excel Template for Organizer Export
└── PropertyTemplates/
└── Doka.propertytemplate // Doka Organizer Property Template

Organizer Category

Property template in Organizer

System Folder

└── System/
├── AdditionalIPSets/
│ ├── Doka IFC Export property set.xml // IFC Export Set with Doka UDAs
│ └── Trimble Connect.xml // IFC properties for Trimble Connect? (Not sure)
├── CustomInquiry/
│ ├── <types>.it // Standard Custom Inquiry Files
│ └── // Defines the Doka Custom Inquiry
├── Environment/
│ └── Doka // DFDS Copy Job to C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\2022.0\Environments\Doka/
│ ├── env_Doka_GmbH.ini // Main Environment file
│ ├── Role_Doka_Imperial.ini // Environment Imperial Role
│ └── Role_Doka_Metric.ini // Environment Metric Role
├── inp/
│ └── objects_Doka.inp // Global Doka UDA Definition + Drawings UDAs
├── macros // Global Macro Location/
│ ├── drawings/
│ │ └── <drawing macros>
│ ├── modeling/
│ │ └── <modeling macros>
│ └── <general macros>
├── messages // Currently DFDS Copy Job to Tekla /bin/messages folder
│ ├── Doka_internal_nestings.ail // Translation Files for standard components, NEEDS to be regular updated!!
│ └── Doka_internal_standard.ail // Translation Files for nested components (40..), NEEDS to be regular updated!!
├── PropertyRepository/
│ └── Templates/
│ └── PropertyTemplates.xml // Sidebar Properties e.g.: Part Name, Part Profile, UDAs,..
├── UploadToConnect/
│ ├── conf.json // Config File for Trimble Connect upload
│ └── part.epr // Defines the attributes for parts when uploaded to Trimble Connect
└── TS_Report_Inquire_<Type>.rpt // Needed for inquiring Tekla objects

Custom inquiry



Global Macro Location


Currently a DFDS Copy Job takes care of this to put to C:\Program Files\Tekla Structures\2022.0\bin\messages In the future could be handled with:


Add a script that automatically generates this Doka_translation.ail files, since they need to be updated regularly

Previously they were created with "Translation ail" Grasshopper script




"Template" Folder

_General /
├── Template
├── cloning_templates/
│ └── cloning-models-space-holder.txt
└── settings // Settings for Template Editor/
├── tpled.ini // Configuration file for template editor
├── contentattributes.lst // Defines the template editor attributes
├── Doka_contentattributes_userdefined.lst // Defines the Doka custom template editor attributes
├── encoding_html.xsl
├── rules.txt // Predefined rules for template editor
├── valuefieldclasses.lst // Defines how the formatting e.g. of time should look like
├── xml2html_format_exact.xsl
├── xml2html_format_table.xsl
└── xml2html_format_textual.xsl


Is the configuration file of the Template Editor

Drawing processing

tpled.ini defines what to include into Template Editor. Like Drawing Images.

Currently only 2 paths are defined in tpled.ini:

  • 1) @\..\..\Drawing\Symbols\
  • 2) @\..\..\..\..\US\Symbols\

\..\ goes one folder higher ("back")


Currently US firm folder location is hardcoded, because there is no demand for other countries or branches to support. If this requirements changes, a more dynamic approach would be needed.

Template attributes

contentattributes.lst defines which attributes are possible to fetch in the template editor


valuefieldclasses.lst defines how the formatting e.g. of time and date should look like in the Template editor e.g.:

Date =, mm.dd.yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, dd-mm-yyyy, dd-mm-yy, yyyy-mm-dd, dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy

UI Folder

├── Commands/
│ └── UserDefined.xml // User Defined commands like, "Open Grasshopper folder"
├── Ribbons/
│ ├── CustomTabs/
│ │ ├── Drawings /
│ │ │ └── DokaCADforTekla.xml // Defines addtional ribbon drawing ribbon section
│ │ ├── Icons/
│ │ │ └── <icons>.png // 16px/32px
│ │ └── Modeling
│ │ ├── CommToolsTekla.xml
│ │ ├── DokaCADforTeka.xml
│ │ ├── DokaToolsforTekla.xml
│ │ ├── Grasshopper.xml
│ │ ├── Ribbon-Formwork.xml
│ │ └── Scaffolding.xml
│ ├── albl_up_Diamond--main_menu.xml // Defines User Ribbon, NEEDS to be regularly updated with Software upgrade
│ ├── albl_up_Construction_Modeling--main_menu.xml // Copy of Diamond Ribbon, only needed when using old Liscenes types (not Diamond, Graphite) // Keep in sync with Diamond ribbon
│ └── albl_up_Full--main_menu.xml // Copy of Diamond Ribbon, only needed when using old Liscenes types (not Diamond, Graphite) // Keep in sync with Diamond ribbon
└── Shortcuts.xml // Define shortcuts for Users, Like easier opening of Grasshoper, Wall Formwork, ...


Allows you to create custom commands what you then can execute e.g. in the Ribbon. Like simply open a folder.

Create Command Tekla Menu -> Settings -> Customize: User-defined commands

The file finished file will be available here:

C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\UI\Commands\UserDefined.xml


Environment setting:

DokaCADforTekla uses a more simpler version of the original Ribbon. With every software upgrade it needs to be checked if the ribbon needs to be updated, refer [Tekla Upgrade](../Software/Tekla/1.

from .\DokaCADforTekla\Program\_Neutral\_General\System\Environment\Doka\env_Doka_GmbH.ini

/* Overwrites Ribbon configuration that for every license Type the same Ribbon is used */

There can still be some issues when using the old license types (Construction Modeling & Full) as currently with "old" License Server

Therefore its recommended to keep 2 additional Ribbon files:

  • albl_up_Construction_Modeling--main_menu.xml
  • albl_up_Construction_Modeling--main_menu.xml

They have to kept in sync with albl_up_Diamond--main_menu.xml!

Change Ribbon Tekla Menu -> Settings -> Customize: User-defined commands

The file finished file will be available here: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\TeklaStructures\<version>\UI\Ribbons

Custom Tabs

Ribbon Custom Tabs are seperatly from the main Ribbon, they get added in alphabetic order (Header name in the xml is responsible for that)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Tab Header="translation:albl_Formwork" IsCollapsed="false" IsUserDefined="true">

You can also use translation strings "translation:albl_Formwork" (messages.ail) like in the example above.

_Temp Folder

└── Program/
└── _Neutral/
└── _Temp/
└── Grassopper/ // Used in Tekla Ribbon "Open Script Folder"
└── <grasshopper_scripts>.gh

Currently only contains Grasshopper Folder, which acts as a collection point for all global Tekla related Grasshopper scripts. Its possible to open the folder right from the Tekla Grasshopper Ribbon, which allows the users a quick access.

The original idea was to act as a single source for various user developments.

A collection script searches based of the users software settings from in following locations:

  • 1) User Grasshopper Folder
  • 2) Branch Grasshopper Folder
  • 3) Country Grasshopper Folder
  • 4) Global Grasshopper Folder

=> Gets combined into _Temp/Grasshopper for easy access


Could be exented to other developments like: macros, community tools, drawing templates settings...

Features Folder

Files created by DokaCADforTekla:

└── Program/
└── _Neutral/
├── Features/
│ ├── DokaCADforTekla_<version>.Feature.dll // DFDS Copy Job to Tekla Structures <version>/bin/features
│ └── CommunityToolsTekla.Feature.dll // DFDS Copy Job to Tekla Structures <version>/bin/features
├── CommunityToolsTekla.dll // Built version of the Community Tools code
├── CommunityToolsTekla.log.config // Various configuration parameters
├── DokaCADforTekla.ico // Application Icon
├── DokaCADforTekla.ini // Final .ini generated
├── DokaCADforTekla_Template.ini // Ini Template to generate final .ini
├── DokaCADforTekla_<version>.dll // Built version of the DokaCADforTekla code
└── DokaCADforTekla_<version>.dll.config // Various configuration parameters